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June 16th to 25th, 2024

Spiritual Journey in Peru

Immerse in Peru's mystic heartland, where ancient temples whisper secrets of wisdom and freedom. Let your soul vibrate high during the solstice ceremony that bridges worlds, awakening the lineages of past Andean sages.

As you tread the sacred earth, indulge in mouthwatering conscious cuisine, feel the embrace of indigenous villages welcoming you with inocent and brotherly smiles, and let Machu Picchu's grandeur move you to tears. Embrace healing practices that release deep-seated emotions, and stand in awe of snow-capped peaks that stir the spirit.

Join us, not just on a cultural journey, but a profound personal awakening that will also enriching the lives of local communities with every step.


Journey and Initiation

Step into a journey that transcends time, where the wisdom of the ancients imbues every step. As the solstice sun crowns the Andean sky, we traverse sacred paths once walked by Inca sages. Amidst timeless sacred cities like Machu Picchu and Sacsayhuaman, you'll attune to energies that have pulsed through millennia.

Venture beyond the beaten path to a sacred peak, reserved for moments when the earth aligns with celestial whispers. Here, in the solstice's predawn hush, join a ceremony few will ever know.

The heart of this voyage beats in an Andean village, where life's simplicity blossoms into profound joy. Amidst the embrace of mountains, you'll harvest alongside indigenous families, sharing meals crafted from the land's gifts. As elder weavers unravel threads of ancient knowledge into vibrant textiles, you're invited not just to watch but to partake—each stitch a story, each color a legacy.

As night descends, gather around the communal fire. The village's lore becomes your lullaby, their harmonious existence a lesson in peace.

Cleansing food, clear air, and the pure spirit of community prepare you for the culmination: a cacao ceremony cradled by the Sacred Valley. With each sip, intentions meld with the group's shared journey, embraced by the loving cadence of ancestral songs.

This is not merely travel; it's an awakening, a return to what's real, and a profound contribution to the enduring spirit of the Andean people.


Each temple of ancient Peru is a key that allows to open portals of inner consciousness and that needs a suitable ritual to be activated.


Our journey offers a tapestry of learning interwoven with the vibrant threads of Andean life. You will be gently guided through the profound wisdom of the Peruvian masters, unraveling secrets that speak to self-healing, inner harmony, and personal growth. Engage with our people, absorb the philosophy that has sustained them through ages as a society where everyone learned to live happily, and embrace rituals that open channels to a higher consciousness. Each mantra, dance, and shared experience is a step toward aligning with the profound rhythms of your true life's purpose and the pulse of the Andean heart. This journey is an opportunity for profound inner exploration, tailored to your journey of self-renewal.


In the early hours of the solstice, you will participate on an ancient ceremony receiving the light codes that our ancestors have shared from generation to generation to inspire us to live more flourishing, conscious and purposeful lives.

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