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Shamanism for wellbeing


Discover the Timeless Wisdom of Shamanism

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey toward holistic wellness?

Shamanism, revered as one of the oldest healing traditions, invites you on a journey of holistic wellness. By harmonizing the energies of body, mind, and spirit, Shamanic practices cultivate a fertile ground for self-realization, inner tranquility, and a profound sense of wellness.

Dive into Shamanism, an holistic way of living developed by ancient civilizations, offering timeless solutions to modern-day wellness challenges.

As you delve into the mystical realms of Shamanism, you unlock an ancient yet ever-relevant wisdom. This practice transcends the ordinary, leading you into a deeper spiritual domain where healing and divine connection flourish.

Shamanic Healing for the Energy Body

Life’s adversities—be it trauma, pain, fear, or grief—leave imprints on our energy body. Shamanic healing, through rituals and ceremonies, aids in alleviating these energetic burdens, promoting emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. As you engage in Shamanic practices, you may venture into an altered state of consciousness, accessing the boundless gifts of the Spirit world, which catalyze profound healing and release.


Ancient Wellness practices for Modern Living

Shamanic practices offer practical wellness solutions for modern living. From grounding exercises and astrology to meditative journeys, superfoods, and energy cleansing rituals, Shamanism provides tools to combat stress, anxiety, and other modern-day ailments. These practices instill a sense of tranquility, mindfulness, and a deeper connection with the natural world, fostering a holistic sense of wellness.

A Journey to Self-Love and Wholeness

Shamanism extends beyond mere physical healing. It is a bridge to self-love, wholeness, and a more loving connection with the self and the world around us. Shamans, with one foot in the Spirit world and one foot in this reality, bring forth gifts for your soul—love, happiness, wholeness, and the clarity you yearn for. This journey nurtures a loving connection with the self, deepening your understanding of life and death, and supporting you during life’s transitions.


A Story of Transformation

Gabriela was a successful software engineer in São Paulo. When she asked me to accompany her on a private journey to Peru, I inquired about her desire to go alone. She confessed that she longed to learn how to open her heart, but feared being a burden to others, and wasn’t yet ready to share the intimate experiences her soul craved with a group of people.

Once we where in Cusco, and before going to Machupicchu I performed an energy healing ceremony on Gabriela. Using ancestral techniques, we worked to release blocked energies and prepare her spirit for the messages and teachings that were to come. The ceremony was intense; Gabriela felt a profound release and a renewed connection to her essence.

Upon the journey, Gabriela had high expectations; she yearned to take ayahuasca, see spirits, and receive grand messages. I simply listened and waited. One day, during one of the meditations in the cosmic temple of the stars, she had a revelation where the angels of the mountains directed us to the village of Pongobamba, a beautiful but remote place where people live with simplicity and welcome visitors with open hearts and arms.

The generosity, sense of community, and sincere smiles Gabriela experienced during the three days we spent there transformed her profoundly. For the first time in her life, she had the opportunity to harvest potatoes from the earth and cook them herself, carry some of the tribe’s babies, and weave alongside the grandmothers who taught him with patience and love each afternoon.

In Pongobamba, Gabriela realized that truth lies in simplicity and the values cultivated in the Andes. She encountered true love in this humble village, marking a turning point in her journey towards self-discovery and holistic healing.

Inca Astrology Reading

If you are new here

Follow this 4 step map to delve into the magical and powerful world of shamanism

Inca Shaman Giuliano

Discover the spiritual journey and profound wisdom of Inca Shaman Giuliano, a lineage holder committed to sharing the ancestral teachings for your well-being.

Inca Shaman Giuliano' Bio

Wellbeing with Inca Astrology:  

Unveil you life's blueprint

Delve into the heart of Inca Shamanism with an astrology reading that will help you open your paths, promoting self-awareness and holistic wellness on your mundane and spiritual voyage.

Inca Astrology learn more



Inca Shaman Giuliano will guide you into the mystical realms of Shamanism. Learn ancient healing practices, ceremonies, and wisdom to foster inner growth, promote holistic wellness, and serve others on their wellness journey.

Appy to Inca Shamanic Training online

Spiritual Journey 

to Peru

Embark on a transformative journey to Peru's sacred sites, immersing in ancestral ceremonies, and connecting deeply with Pachamama (Mother Earth) and Inca spirituality for a profound sense of wellness and self-renewal.
Spiritual Journey to Peru 2024: Learn more

About your guide

Embark on a transformative journey with Giuliano, a modern-day Inca shaman and spiritual teacher. 

His odyssey began in the sacred mountains of Peru, leading him through trials and profound self-discovery, eventually blossoming into a conduit of ancient Inca wisdom to help heal modern society. 

His offerings, be it an intimate Inca Birth Chart reading, Shamanic Healing, Private Shamanic Training, or a soul-stirring Spiritual Journey to Peru, serve as bridges to higher consciousness, holistic wellness, and a harmonious existence. 

As celestial events herald new beginnings, seize this rare opportunity to transcend the mundane with Inca Shaman Giuliano. 

Dive into a world of ancient wisdom tailored to bring wellness to your life; 

your pathway to spiritual elevation awaits.

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